Source code for ost.s1.grd_batch

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Batch processing for GRD products


import os
import json
import itertools
import logging
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

from godale._concurrent import Executor

from ost import Sentinel1Scene
from ost.s1 import grd_to_ard
from ost.helpers import raster as ras
from ost.generic import ts_extent
from ost.generic import ts_ls_mask
from ost.generic import ard_to_ts
from ost.generic import timescan
from ost.generic import mosaic

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _create_processing_dict(inventory_df):
    """Function that creates a dictionary to handle GRD batch processing

    This helper function takes the inventory dataframe and creates
    a dictionary with the track as key, and all the files to process as
    a list, whereas the list is

    :param inventory_df:

    # initialize empty dictionary
    dict_scenes = {}

    # get relative orbits and loop through each
    track_list = inventory_df["relativeorbit"].unique()

    for track in track_list:

        # get acquisition dates and loop through each
        acquisition_dates = inventory_df["acquisitiondate"][inventory_df["relativeorbit"] == track].unique()

        # loop through dates
        for i, acquisition_date in enumerate(acquisition_dates):

            # get the scene ids per acquisition_date and write into a list
            single_id = inventory_df["identifier"][
                (inventory_df["relativeorbit"] == track)
                & (inventory_df["acquisitiondate"] == acquisition_date)

            # add this list to the dictionary and associate the track number
            # as dict key
            dict_scenes[f"{track}_{i+1}"] = single_id

    return dict_scenes

[docs]def create_processed_df(inventory_df, list_of_scenes, outfile, out_ls, error): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["identifier", "outfile", "out_ls", "error"]) for scene in list_of_scenes: temp_df = pd.DataFrame() # get scene_id temp_df["identifier"] = inventory_df.identifier[inventory_df.identifier == scene].values # fill outfiles/error temp_df["outfile"] = outfile temp_df["out_ls"] = out_ls temp_df["error"] = error # append to final df and delete temp_df for next loop df = pd.concat([df, temp_df]) del temp_df return df
[docs]def grd_to_ard_batch(inventory_df, config_file): # load relevant config parameters with open(config_file, "r") as file: config_dict = json.load(file) download_dir = Path(config_dict["download_dir"]) data_mount = Path(config_dict["data_mount"]) # where all frames are grouped into acquisitions processing_dict = _create_processing_dict(inventory_df) processing_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["identifier", "outfile", "out_ls", "error"]) iter_list = [] for _, list_of_scenes in processing_dict.items(): # get the paths to the file scene_paths = [Sentinel1Scene(scene).get_path(download_dir, data_mount) for scene in list_of_scenes] iter_list.append(scene_paths) # now we run with godale, which works also with 1 worker executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=config_dict["max_workers"]) for task in executor.as_completed( func=grd_to_ard.grd_to_ard, iterable=iter_list, fargs=( [ str(config_file), ] ), ): list_of_scenes, outfile, out_ls, error = task.result() # return the info of processing as dataframe temp_df = create_processed_df(inventory_df, list_of_scenes, outfile, out_ls, error) processing_df = pd.concat([processing_df, temp_df]) return processing_df
[docs]def ards_to_timeseries(inventory_df, config_file): with open(config_file) as file: config_dict = json.load(file) ard = config_dict["processing"]["single_ARD"] ard_mt = config_dict["processing"]["time-series_ARD"] # create all extents _create_extents(inventory_df, config_file) # update extents in case of ls_mask if ard["create_ls_mask"] or ard_mt["apply_ls_mask"]: _create_mt_ls_mask(inventory_df, config_file) # finally create time-series _create_timeseries(inventory_df, config_file)
def _create_extents(inventory_df, config_file): with open(config_file, "r") as file: config_dict = json.load(file) processing_dir = Path(config_dict["processing_dir"]) iter_list = [] for track in inventory_df.relativeorbit.unique(): # get the burst directory track_dir = processing_dir / track list_of_extents = list(track_dir.glob("*/*/*bounds.json")) # if extent does not already exist, add to iterable if not (track_dir / f"{track}.min_bounds.json").exists(): iter_list.append(list_of_extents) # now we run with godale, which works also with 1 worker executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=os.cpu_count()) out_dict = {"track": [], "list_of_scenes": [], "extent": []} for task in executor.as_completed( func=ts_extent.mt_extent, iterable=iter_list, fargs=( [ str(config_file), ] ), ): track, list_of_scenes, extent = task.result() out_dict["track"].append(track) out_dict["list_of_scenes"].append(list_of_scenes) out_dict["extent"].append(extent) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(out_dict) def _create_extents_old(inventory_df, config_file): with open(config_file, "r") as file: config_dict = json.load(file) processing_dir = Path(config_dict["processing_dir"]) iter_list = [] for track in inventory_df.relativeorbit.unique(): # get the burst directory track_dir = processing_dir / track # get common burst extent list_of_scenes = list(track_dir.glob("**/*img")) list_of_scenes = [str(x) for x in list_of_scenes if "layover" not in str(x)] # if extent does not already exist, add to iterable if not (track_dir / f"{track}.extent.gpkg").exists(): iter_list.append(list_of_scenes) # now we run with godale, which works also with 1 worker executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=config_dict["max_workers"]) out_dict = {"track": [], "list_of_scenes": [], "extent": []} for task in executor.as_completed( func=ts_extent.mt_extent, iterable=iter_list, fargs=( [ str(config_file), ] ), ): track, list_of_scenes, extent = task.result() out_dict["track"].append(track) out_dict["list_of_scenes"].append(list_of_scenes) out_dict["extent"].append(extent) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(out_dict) def _create_mt_ls_mask(inventory_df, config_file): """Helper function to union the Layover/Shadow masks of a Time-series This function creates a :param inventory_df: :param config_file: :return: """ with open(config_file, "r") as file: config_dict = json.load(file) processing_dir = Path(config_dict["processing_dir"]) iter_list = [] for track in inventory_df.relativeorbit.unique(): # get the burst directory track_dir = processing_dir / track # get common burst extent list_of_masks = list(track_dir.glob("*/*/*_ls_mask.json")) # if extent does not already exist, add to iterable if not (track_dir / f"{track}.ls_mask.json").exists(): iter_list.append(list_of_masks) # now we run with godale, which works also with 1 worker executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=os.cpu_count()) for task in executor.as_completed(func=ts_ls_mask.mt_layover, iterable=iter_list): task.result() def _create_mt_ls_mask_old(inventory_df, config_file): with open(config_file, "r") as file: config_dict = json.load(file) processing_dir = Path(config_dict["processing_dir"]) iter_list = [] for track in inventory_df.relativeorbit.unique(): # get the burst directory track_dir = processing_dir / track # get common burst extent list_of_scenes = list(track_dir.glob("**/*img")) list_of_layover = [str(x) for x in list_of_scenes if "layover" in str(x)] iter_list.append(list_of_layover) # now we run with godale, which works also with 1 worker executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=config_dict["max_workers"]) out_dict = {"track": [], "list_of_layover": [], "ls_mask": [], "ls_extent": []} for task in executor.as_completed( func=ts_ls_mask.mt_layover, iterable=iter_list, fargs=( [ str(config_file), ] ), ): track, list_of_layover, ls_mask, ls_extent = task.result() out_dict["track"].append(track) out_dict["list_of_layover"].append(list_of_layover) out_dict["ls_mask"].append(list_of_layover) out_dict["ls_extent"].append(ls_extent) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(out_dict) def _create_timeseries(inventory_df, config_file): """Helper function to create Timeseries out of OST ARD products Based on the inventory GeoDataFrame and the configuration file, this function triggers the time-series processing for all bursts/tracks within the respective project. Each product/polarisation is treated singularly. Based on the ARD type/configuration settings, the function uses SNAP's Create-Stack function to unify the grid of each scene and applies a multi-temporal speckle filter if selected. The output are single GeoTiff files, whereas there is the possibility to reduce the data by converting the data format into uint8 or uint16. This is done by linearly stretching the data between -30 and +5 for backscatter, 0 and 1 for coherence, polarimetric anisotropy # and entropy, as well 0 and 90 for polarimetric alpha channel. All the data is cropped to the same extent based on the minimum bounds layer. This function executes the underlying functions using the godale framework for parallel execution. Executor type and number of parallel processes is defined within the configuration file. :param inventory_df: :type GeoDataFrame :param config_file: :type str/Path :return: """ with open(config_file, "r") as file: config_dict = json.load(file) processing_dir = Path(config_dict["processing_dir"]) iter_list = [] for track in inventory_df.relativeorbit.unique(): # get the burst directory track_dir = processing_dir / track for pol in ["VV", "VH", "HH", "HV"]: # see if there is actually any imagery in thi polarisation list_of_files = sorted(str(file) for file in list(track_dir.glob(f"20*/*data*/*ma0*{pol}*img"))) if len(list_of_files) <= 1: continue # create list of dims if polarisation is present list_of_dims = sorted(str(dim) for dim in list(track_dir.glob("20*/*bs*dim"))) iter_list.append([list_of_dims, track, "bs", pol]) executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=config_dict["max_workers"]) out_dict = { "track": [], "list_of_dims": [], "out_files": [], "out_vrt": [], "product": [], "error": [], } for task in executor.as_completed( func=ard_to_ts.gd_ard_to_ts, iterable=iter_list, fargs=( [ str(config_file), ] ), ): track, list_of_dims, out_files, out_vrt, product, error = task.result() out_dict["track"].append(track) out_dict["list_of_dims"].append(list_of_dims) out_dict["out_files"].append(out_files) out_dict["out_vrt"].append(out_vrt) out_dict["product"].append(product) out_dict["error"].append(error) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(out_dict)
[docs]def timeseries_to_timescan(inventory_df, config_file): # load ard parameters with open(config_file, "r") as file: config_dict = json.load(file) processing_dir = Path(config_dict["processing_dir"]) ard = config_dict["processing"]["single_ARD"] ard_mt = config_dict["processing"]["time-series_ARD"] ard_tscan = config_dict["processing"]["time-scan_ARD"] # get the db scaling right to_db = ard["to_db"] if ard["to_db"] or ard_mt["to_db"]: to_db = True dtype_conversion = True if ard_mt["dtype_output"] != "float32" else False iter_list, vrt_iter_list = [], [] for track in inventory_df.relativeorbit.unique(): # get track directory track_dir = processing_dir / track # define and create Timescan directory timescan_dir = track_dir / "Timescan" timescan_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # loop thorugh each polarization for polar in ["VV", "VH", "HH", "HV"]: if (timescan_dir / f".bs.{polar}.processed").exists():"Timescans for track {track} already processed.") continue # get timeseries vrt time_series = track_dir / "Timeseries" / f"{polar}.vrt" if not time_series.exists(): continue # create a datelist for harmonics scene_list = list(track_dir.glob(f"Timeseries/*bs.{polar}.tif")) # create a datelist for harmonics calculation datelist = [] for file in sorted(scene_list): datelist.append(".")[1]) # define timescan prefix timescan_prefix = timescan_dir / f"bs.{polar}" iter_list.append( [ time_series, timescan_prefix, ard_tscan["metrics"], dtype_conversion, to_db, ard_tscan["remove_outliers"], datelist, ] ) vrt_iter_list.append(timescan_dir) # now we run with godale, which works also with 1 worker executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=config_dict["max_workers"]) # run timescan creation out_dict = {"track": [], "prefix": [], "metrics": [], "error": []} for task in executor.as_completed(func=timescan.gd_mt_metrics, iterable=iter_list): burst, prefix, metrics, error = task.result() out_dict["track"].append(burst) out_dict["prefix"].append(prefix) out_dict["metrics"].append(metrics) out_dict["error"].append(error) timescan_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(out_dict) # run vrt creation for task in executor.as_completed( func=ras.create_tscan_vrt, iterable=vrt_iter_list, fargs=( [ str(config_file), ] ), ): task.result() return timescan_df
[docs]def mosaic_timeseries(inventory_df, config_file): print(" -----------------------------------")"Mosaicking Time-series layers") print(" -----------------------------------") # ------------------------------------- # 1 load project config with open(config_file, "r") as ard_file: config_dict = json.load(ard_file) processing_dir = Path(config_dict["processing_dir"]) # create output folder ts_dir = processing_dir / "Mosaic" / "Timeseries" ts_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # loop through polarisations iter_list, vrt_iter_list = [], [] for p in ["VV", "VH", "HH", "HV"]: tracks = inventory_df.relativeorbit.unique() nr_of_ts = len(list((processing_dir / f"{tracks[0]}" / "Timeseries").glob(f"*.{p}.tif"))) if not nr_of_ts >= 1: continue outfiles = [] for i in range(1, nr_of_ts + 1): filelist = list(processing_dir.glob(f"*/Timeseries/{i:02d}.*.{p}.tif")) filelist = [str(file) for file in filelist if "Mosaic" not in str(file)] # create datelist = [] for file in filelist: datelist.append(Path(file).name.split(".")[1]) filelist = " ".join(filelist) start, end = sorted(datelist)[0], sorted(datelist)[-1] if start == end: outfile = ts_dir / f"{i:02d}.{start}.bs.{p}.tif" else: outfile = ts_dir / f"{i:02d}.{start}-{end}.bs.{p}.tif" check_file = outfile.parent / f".{outfile.stem}.processed" outfiles.append(outfile) if check_file.exists():"Mosaic layer {} already processed.") continue"Mosaicking layer {}.") iter_list.append([filelist, outfile, config_file]) vrt_iter_list.append([ts_dir, p, outfiles]) # now we run with godale, which works also with 1 worker executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=config_dict["max_workers"]) # run mosaicking for task in executor.as_completed(func=mosaic.gd_mosaic, iterable=iter_list): task.result() # run mosaicking vrts for task in executor.as_completed(func=mosaic.create_timeseries_mosaic_vrt, iterable=vrt_iter_list): task.result()
[docs]def mosaic_timescan(config_file): # load ard parameters with open(config_file, "r") as ard_file: config_dict = json.load(ard_file) processing_dir = Path(config_dict["processing_dir"]) metrics = config_dict["processing"]["time-scan_ARD"]["metrics"] if "harmonics" in metrics: metrics.remove("harmonics") metrics.extend(["amplitude", "phase", "residuals"]) if "percentiles" in metrics: metrics.remove("percentiles") metrics.extend(["p95", "p5"]) # create out directory of not existent tscan_dir = processing_dir / "Mosaic" / "Timescan" tscan_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # loop through all pontial proucts iter_list = [] for polar, metric in itertools.product(["VV", "HH", "VH", "HV"], metrics): # create a list of files based on polarisation and metric filelist = list(processing_dir.glob(f"*/Timescan/*bs.{polar}.{metric}.tif")) # break loop if there are no files if not len(filelist) >= 2: continue # get number filelist = " ".join([str(file) for file in filelist]) outfile = tscan_dir / f"bs.{polar}.{metric}.tif" check_file = outfile.parent / f".{outfile.stem}.processed" if check_file.exists():"Mosaic layer {} already processed.") continue iter_list.append([filelist, outfile, config_file]) # now we run with godale, which works also with 1 worker executor = Executor(executor=config_dict["executor_type"], max_workers=config_dict["max_workers"]) # run mosaicking for task in executor.as_completed(func=mosaic.gd_mosaic, iterable=iter_list): task.result() ras.create_tscan_vrt(tscan_dir, config_file)